Sweet Sugar Misery! [How to Eliminate Your Sugar Cravings FOR GOOD]

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Craving Sugar? Does hearing the word dessert make your mouth water?

I’m guessing you know sugar does all kinds of horrible stuff to your body: weight gain, diabetes, ages skin faster, impairs eyesight, causes hypoglycemia, yadda yadda and on and on. 

So if most of america knows that it’s bad, why is it still WAAAAY over consumed? Sugar can be considered addictive for 2 reasons: a small amount makes you want more and quitting causes withdrawal symptoms. Eeek! And this is fed to children every day!

Believe me, after being a total sugar addict (Breyer’s mint chip makes me loose all will power) and loving dessert more than anything (this is still true. Shh don’t tell), I know how hard it is to kick the sugar habit good bye. However, the feeling of being vitality, not having cravings and nourishing my sweet tooth is healthier ways is SO MUCH BETTER than a constant desire to binge on cookies. Plus, my skin looks much more radiant!

You can kick the sugar habit too! What helped me was first distinguishing WHY I “needed” sugar. What in my body could possible must-have-sugar-or-else? Here’s a handy list of some reasons that I found cause sugar cravings:

1. Lack of nourishing day-to day life. I.e. Being dissatisfied with a relationship, having an inappropriate exercise routine, being bored, stressed, uninspired by a job, or lacking a spiritual practice. Ever been SO in love and totally forget to eat for, um, a week or so? Food doesn’t matter at that time. Everything feels great. Life is great. Body is great. When we lack in this joyful passionate life, eating can become a substitute as entertainment or to fill the void of passion, love, connection, rest, etc. 

2. Water. Dehydration first manifests as a feeling of hunger, not thirst. Next time you “need” that cookie, try a glass of water instead.

3. Imbalance. Foods have different qualities in our body. Some are more expansive and others are more contractive. Eating foods that are extremely high in either can cause cravings in order to maintain balance. For example, eating a diet too rich in meat (contractive) may cause a craving for sugar (expansive). 

4. Inside coming out. Maybe you just like the food. Grandma’s Gobs? Never going to turn that down. So Good, eat your favorite cookie, but don’t do it often and definitely don’t choose a junk one. A clever way to satisfy these cravings is to eat a healthier version of one’s favorite foods.

5. Seasonal. The body craves foods that balance the elements of the season. In the Spring, people like to detox, in summer the body wants to cool down with fruits and raw foods and ice cream (Breyer’s mint chip!?), etc. Knowing this can help you understand a craving and make healthier choices. 

6. Lack of nutrients. I see this often with my clients. They simply aren’t getting enough nutrients from their regular diet. If the body has inadequate nutrients, it will produce odd cravings. Overall inadequate nutrition produces cravings for non-nutritional forms of energy, like caffeine or sugar. Get some good nutrition and your all set!

7. Hormonal. Chocolate anyone? Fluctuating testosterone and estrogen levels may cause unique cravings. Don’t give in to the hormones. Have your healthier options ready! 
Want support eliminating your sugar addiction? Let’s chat! I’m here to help! 


1 thought on “Sweet Sugar Misery! [How to Eliminate Your Sugar Cravings FOR GOOD]

  1. I’m loving your blog but now I feel totally guilty for giving you double almond crunch, a.k.a. Christmas Crack!
    Thanks for all the great info.

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