The Mindset that Motivates Weight Loss

What gets someone to loose weight? It’s a question worth a million dollars, as our nation is overrun with people suffering from obesity and medical costs in the US rise.

The obesity epidemic has been attempted to be stopped by health officials and strategies that don’t seem to be making much impact have been implemented into elementary schools. Is banning chocolate milk and lowering the soda size really the answer?

new study from Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity gives a new perspective on why some of these implemented changes work better than others. Not surprisingly, creating positive emotions in people with obesity is a large part of the solution.

anti-obesity campaigns

The photo above is a message put out by Georgia’s anti-obesity campaign. While it might be blunt and to the point, the stance is a little stern. Not surprisingly, the study found that messages like these and other stern ads and billboards put out by anti-obesity campaigns do no more than elicit shame, an unhelpful emotion that does very little to get the desired results. What’s needed instead is motivation that creates a positive behavior change. Emotions such as shame, humiliation, and stress often create more over eating, too much embarrassment to go to the gym and lack of enthusiasm to make a change.

Messages rather that promote personal empowerment, rather than mention obesity, seem to be more effective. 85% of the participants in the study said they were motivated to change by the slogan, “Eat well. Move more. Live longer.”  “Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables every day” also received a good response.

In summary, negativity is defeating and not the solution while optimism and positivity is empowering and motivating. How can you positively motivate someone today?

Weekend Recovery Help

Happy Friday!
Anyone out there a weekend warrior? I can relate. Here’s a few ways to make the fun last and the symptoms from it to lessen….

Last weekend I went to the Firefly Music Festival in Flagstaff, AZ. What a great time! Afterward, I was sore from so much dancing, tired (again from so much dancing), and much in need of a shower and some serious revitalizing (here’s a photo of me dancing to the sunrise!).

Although I was exhausted, limping with muscle fatigue and dirty from camping, the weekend was beyond worth it. Letting loose can be some of the best medicine… Letting go of stress, worry and just enjoying the moment right now. Even better, celebrating it with gusto!

If you take the opportunity to celebrate this weekend, here’s a few things you can do to feel great not just during the weekend, but Monday morning too. :]

1. Take an epsom salt bath on Sunday night. Epsom salts are very inexpensive and amazing muscle relaxants. They are also high in magnesium which is calming and can be absorbed through the skin, promising a rejuvenating and healing sleep Sunday night and ache-free muscles Monday morning.

2. Take time to stretch. If you’re getting down hard, it’s no different than working out in a gym and just like then, stretching helps keep your muscles loose and limber and avoids aches, sprains, strains and soreness. Do a few quick stretches every time you take a bathroom break and you’ll feel good as new. Here’s some stretching ideas.

3. Grab a power snack. Go for raw, cold or crunchy, like frozen fruit or crisp veggies and   hearty whole grain crackers. Also, get some protein to see yourself through until the end. Try trail mix, hummus or organic goat cheese.

5. Grab a power drink. Stay hydrated the entire time. Do your best to drink half your body weight in oz each day. Cold kombucha is one the of the most invigorating and healing power drinks I know. It’s loaded with healthy probiotics and is energizing and refreshing.

6. Treat aches and soreness immediately. Limping to work on Monday is never fun. If you have an inflamed injury, ice it. Alternating between ice and hot is very healing as well. Arnica, a homeopathic ointment or capsule available at most drugstores works miracles if taken at beginning signs of soreness.

7. Most importantly, enJOY! What if this weekend you live the life you’ve always imagined for yourself and be the person you want to be without holding back? Don’t forget about Vitamin L, (love), one of the very most important nutrients.

What remedies have helped you recover from being a weekend warrior? 

Champion Collards

I post a lot about greens. They are one of my favorite foods and rightly so because they are one of the most under eaten and most nutritious.

I posted recently a recipe for collard green burritos and now here are some of a collard’s benefits to inspire you more and more and more!

Why eat collard greens? 

  • Collards are chock full of antioxidants, making them a great food for detoxing.
  • Collards are high in fiber, making them a fantastic digestive aid.
  • Collard greens help reduce cardiovascular concerns because they are anti-inflammatory.
  • The cholesterol-lowering ability of collards was found to be one of the best of all commonly eaten cruciferous vegetables, like kale or broccoli, because of its ability to bind bile acids in the digestive tract and excrete them from the body, lowering of the body’s cholesterol level.
  • Collards are also noted for their extreme cancer fighting properties: they help lower our cancer risk by supporting our detox and anti-inflammatory systems.
  • They are a mean, green, cancer fighting machine! Plus, they’re simply yummy in our tummy.

How Can You Eat Collards? 
A lot of people are familiar with southern style collard greens. While delicious, that form of preparation may not be the healthiest and utilizing preparation variety with collards is a good idea.

One of my favorite ways to eat collards is raw. They’re tender, not too bitter and so large that they work great as a wrap, as a scoop or as a bowl, you name it. I also like collards in a salad, massaged with a little oil and vinegar (maybe with some feta and olives, mmm), and also in lentil soup. Another idea is to experiment with collard chips (instead of kale chips).

I love to get in touch with my food. Really experience it for what it is before cooking it and turning into some elaborate meal with all kinds of spices. Just eating a collard leaf raw is a great way to introduce them into your diet. The bluntness of a raw collard leaf doesn’t work for everyone however, so feel free to chop it into a chocolate ball or some lentil soup if that’s more your style.

Most of all, enjoy every moment!